健康主題清潔,排毒水飛薊(水飛薊素)-Natural Factors, Siliphos Phytosome,奶薊草,160毫克,60素食膠囊
或許大家都聽過Natural Factors, Siliphos Phytosome,奶薊草,160毫克,60素食膠囊,但印象中Natural Factors, Siliphos Phytosome,奶薊草,160毫克,60素食膠囊平時是不打折的,但是今天告訴你買Natural Factors, Siliphos Phytosome,奶薊草,160毫克,60素食膠囊到這裡買,可以使用折價券買Natural Factors, Siliphos Phytosome,奶薊草,160毫克,60素食膠囊,而且宅配到府完全不用搬Natural Factors, Siliphos Phytosome,奶薊草,160毫克,60素食膠囊,真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!床的世界

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- Dietary Supplement
- Clinical Strength Milk Thistle
- Supports the Liver's Natural Detoxification Process
- Isura
- Non-GMO
- Mass Spec
- Documentation
- Lab Tested
- Suitable for Vegetarians/Vegans
- Purity & Potency Guaranteed
Milk thistle seeds contain a flavonoid complex known as silymarin composed of silybin, silydianin, and silychristin. Research has shown that it is the absorption of silybin that is the key to unlocking the health benefits of milk thistle. However, regular silybin is poorly absorbed and easily destroyed when it enters the stomach and digestive tract. Siliphos is developed using a property phytosome technology developed specifically to optimize silybin absorption.
Natural Factors, Siliphos Phytosome,奶薊草,160毫克,60素食膠囊

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