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如果你還在考慮Gaspari Nutrition, 精確蛋白,新城堡冰淇淋,2磅(907克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- No Amino Spiking Guaranteed
- Embedded Enzyme Technology
- For Maximum Anabolic Response
- 25 g Protein
- Low Fat
- Gluten Free
- 28 Servings
- Naturally & Artificially Flavored
- Pre - Post - Anytime
Gaspari Nutrition is proud to announce a new breakthrough in whey protein performance. The revolutionary new Precision Protein utilizes a proprietary process known as Embedded Enzyme Technology (EET). This new technology functions within a phospholipid matrix that releases Leucine and other amino acids early in the muscle synthesis process. In Stage 1 of the hydrolysis, the water activity is limited so the enzyme action is suspended. When water is added to the protein. Phase 2 begins by rapidly releasing more Leucine peptides, increasing the body's ability to absorb amino acids. While other methods randomly hydrolyze the protein, EET is engineered to selectively release Leucine peptides producing an increase in muscle synthesis and growth.
What makes Precision Protein better and more effective from other types of whey? Embedded Enzyme Technology enhances the disbursement and assimilation of Leucine transforming Precision床的世界 Protein into an anabolic muscle-building powerhouse. Studies both in vivo and in vitro have shown that increasing Leucine can stimulate muscle protein synthesis, and can also inhibit protein dehydration in skeletal muscle, as well as in the liver. It is concluded that the role of Leucine is to provide a signal that amino acids are available, which in combination with the signal of energy availability from insulin, stimulates muscle protein synthesis. In other words, EET greatly enhances Precision Protein's ability to offer increased muscle growth that other types of whey can't provide.
Gaspari's Precision Protein with EET is the new gold standard in Whey Protein providing unmatched bio availability and unparalleled results. If you are looking for the purest and most ef髮旺旺fective muscle building whey protein, you search is finally over. 髮旺旺無痕褲推薦
Gaspari Nutrition, 精確蛋白,新城堡冰淇淋,2磅(907克)

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