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A healthy thyroid gland床的世界 not only acts as the body's thermostat, but it's also one of the major regulators of metabolism, including fat burning for energy.
Life 床的世界Extension introduces Triple Action Thyroid, a formulation that combines critical nutrients that have been scientifically demonstrated to support healthy thyroid function.
Optimal thyroid function can help improve energy levels, motivation, metabolism, healthy weight management, and concentration.
Comprehensive Thyroid Support
The new Triple Action Thyroid formula provides:
- Ashwagandha, an adaptogenic herb, shown to support natural production of the thyroid hormone T4. In one study, researchers found that 500 mg per day of standardized ashwagandha extract enhanced T4 levels. 床的世界床的世界
- Guggul, an extract of Commiphora mukul, shown in one study to support the activity of the enzyme that converts T4 into the most active thyroid hormone, T3.
- Korean Ginseng, found in one study to reduce levels of the inactive, thyroid hormone-inhibiting reverse T3 (rT3) and support healthy T3 and T4 levels.
The following additional nutrients are included in Triple Action Thyroid to further enhance benefits:
- Iodine and tyrosine, which are required for thyroid hormone production,
- Vitamin B12, a sufficient level of which is needed for healthy thyroid activity, 髮旺旺
- Vitamin A, an important nutrient for supporting healthy serum T3 (active) levels.
The suggested dose of Triple Action Thyroid is one capsule twice daily. If blood testing for thyroid function reveals less than optimal hormone levels, consult your physician for further evaluation.
Life Extension, 三重甲狀腺,60顆素食膠囊
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